A supplier distribution list allows a system administrator to create a group of registered suppliers for use in publishing events. When selecting a list during the publish process, all the associated suppliers will display. Distribution lists save time for end users, preventing them from needing to search multiple times for individual suppliers.
- Description Search: Search for an existing list, or create a new distribution list.
- Description: Name assigned to the distribution list. The description will be used when publishing events to access the supplier list.
- Recipients: Displays the number of suppliers currently assigned to the list.
- Deactivate: Set this flag if the list should not be accessible in the Publish screen when publishing events. The deactivate flag can later be unchecked if the list can be used again.
- Last Updated: Displays the date of the most recent update to the list.
- Last Updated By: Displays the name of the user who most recently updated the list.
- Created By: Displays the name of the user who created the list.
- Supplier: Used to search the database of registered suppliers by name. Partial text searches are accepted.
- Supplier State: Used to search by the State associated with the supplier’s company address
- Contact Email: Used to search by the supplier’s email address.
- From Distribution List: Used to populate the search results with the contents of another distribution list. All distribution lists within the entity will display in the drop-down. Useful if a new list is building upon the contents of an existing list.
- Recipient Status: Available values in this drop-down are:
- All (default): Return all suppliers who meet the search criteria
- Recipients of Previous Events: Only return supplier meeting search criteria if the supplier was previously invited to an event
- Diversity Classification: Used to filter results by the diversity classification associated with the supplier’s profile.
- NIGP Code: Search NIGP codes associated with a supplier’s profile. A code number or description can be used to search the list of codes. In the search results box, select one or more NIGP codes to filter the supplier search results.
The Search button is used to execute the search of the supplier database based on the selected criteria. Use the Update button to save changes to the Description or to deactivate the list.
Search results will populate the Unassigned Suppliers section. The Update button will add the Unassigned Suppliers to the Assigned Suppliers section. The Cancel button will revert any changes made since the last time the Update button was clicked.
- Select All: Use this to select all the suppliers on the page to add to the Assigned Suppliers section.
- Assign: Select this checkbox to add the supplier to the distribution list.
The Supplier Name, Contact Name, Contact Address, Phone and Date Registered will display for each result. All the columns are sortable, except for Phone.
- Select All: Use this to select the Delete checkbox for all the suppliers on the page in the Assigned Suppliers section.
- Delete: Select this checkbox to remove a supplier from the distribution list.
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