The Add/Edit User screen allows administrators to define accounts for users who will utilize the Sourcing application. If the Purchase application is enabled, any users defined in Purchase can also be accessed in Sourcing. Changes made to shared fields in the user’s profile (email, name, phone, etc.) will update both applications.
The Update button will save all changes made in the screen. The Cancel button will revert any changes made since the last time the Update button was clicked.
- User search: Use this field to search email address, first or last name. A popup window will display with search results.
- Email ID: User’s email address, which must be unique within the entity. Accepts up to 100 characters. Required field.
- First Name: User’s first name. Accepts up to 50 characters. Required field.
- Last Name: User’s last name. Accepts up to 50 characters. Required field.
- Phone: User’s phone number. Accepts up to 20 characters. Required field.
- Email Alerts: Defaults to unchecked. When checked, users will receive email alerts for the following scenarios:
- Supplier submits response to event
- Supplier posts question for event
- Event's responses have been opened, and event has been routed to user for approval
- Event's due by date has passed, and user can evaluate responses if assigned to event section
- Time Zone: Determines the time zone that will display with the user’s events with respect to Due Date and Sealed Date and any time stamped information.
- Reset Password: This checkbox can be used to generate a password reset email for the user’s account.
- Solutions: If multiple applications are enabled for the entity, each application will display to allow a system administrator to determine which solution(s) the user can access.
- Privileges: These settings determine which tabs the user can access.
- Manage tab: Allows user to create, publish and edit events. This tab is enabled by default.
- Edit Award Workflow: Allows user to select the workflow associated with the event for approval routing during the award process
- Evaluate-Setup: Allows user to determine the user permissions for the evaluation process
- Evaluate-Review: Allows user to be selected to review the award of an event by the Evaluate Admin
- Evaluate-Results: Allows user to see the results of the Evaluate Review team
- Approve tab: Allows user to approve awards/responses prior to publishing awards to suppliers.
- Award tab: Allows user to view supplier responses as well as propose and publish awards.
11. Requirements Bid: These settings determine which requirement-related functions are available to the user if the optional Requirements Bid functionality is enabled.
- Solicit Requirements: Allows user to select Requirements Event checkbox within the event header. When selected, the event can be published to internal users to create requests for line item bid sections.
- Request tab: Allows user to create and manage requests for a requirement bid event.
- Manage Requirements: Allows user to view approved, submitted requests and combine the included requirements to update the event with approved line item quantities so the event can be published to suppliers.
12. Menu options: These settings determine which options can be accessed from the menu link.
- Reporting: Allows user to access reporting functionality
- Admin: Allows user to access administrative screens to add and modify data, including the Event Library, Supplier Distribution Lists, Attachment Library, entity settings, users and locations. At least one user within the entity must be designated as an admin.
13. Deactivate User: Set this flag if the user should no longer have access to the Sourcing application. The flag can be unchecked in the future if the user should regain access.
14. Default Location: Used to identify which physical location is associated with the user profile.
15. Delegate: If the user has the Approve tab privilege, a delegate can be appointed to approve in the user's absence. Other Approve tab users will display in the Delegate Email ID field, and the delegate can be made active for a specified Start and End Date range. If no date range is provided, the delegate user will always be an alternate approver when the user in question is active to approve an event.
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