Event Library (RFx): Add/Edit Section (System Administrator)

Creating Sections

System Administrators create and edit Sections, which are the building blocks of Templates.

To add an Event Section, select Add/Edit Event Section from the Select Function drop-down.



Enter the name of the new section in the search bar and select GO. Please note that section names must be unique and appear as headers to suppliers. 


Select the Add New button.


Select the section type: Question/Answer, Content Only or Pricing Matrix.

Select the Add button to create the Section.

The Question/Answer Section allows the System Administrator to create four types of questions to obtain information (Text or Attachments) from suppliers. During the Publish and Award processes, the Question/Answer section can be weighted and scored.

Create the question using the rich-text editor. Please note the Characters Remaining when creating the question.


The Question/Answer section has four Answer Types for supplier input: Multiple Choice (Checkbox), Single (Radio Button), Single (Radio Button) with Input, and Text Entry (Input Box).


The Multiple (Checkbox) allows the supplier to select more than one applicable response. To add/remove answer options, select the Plus or "X" buttons. Select Update to save changes.


The Single (Radio Button) Answer Type allows the supplier to select one choice from the available answers. To add/remove answer options, select the Plus or "X" buttons. Select Update to save changes.


The Single (Radio Button) With Input allows the supplier to indicate one response from the available choices and provide more information. A value must be entered in the input box to be considered a completed supplier response. To add/remove answer options, select the Plus or "X" buttons. Select Update to save changes.



 The Text Entry (Input Box) question allows the supplier to provide a text response. The System Administrator can provide Attachments from the Attachment Library or uploaded from his/her machine.


The System Administrator can determine if the supplier can provide an attachment and/or require the supplier attachment by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Select Update to save changes.


To reorder the questions, select the Position (Before, After and End) and Line Item (Question). Select Update to confirm.


The System Administrator can duplicate an existing question using the Copy button.


The copied question will appear at the bottom of the list for editing. Select Update to save the question.

The Content Only Section allows the System Administrator to enter text-based information and provide attachments that do not require a response for the suppliers.


The Pricing Matrix Section allows the System Administrator to create columns and rows for supplier pricing responses.

Enter a description to provide instructions or information to the suppliers.


Using the Plus (Add) and "X" (Remove) buttons, create rows and columns for the items. Enter a label for each row and column. The system allows a maximum of eight columns. There are no limits on the number of rows.


The Grand Total Row and Column can be hidden using the respective checkbox if they are unnecessary.


Select Update to save the Pricing Matrix section.

Editing Section

The System Administrator can edit an existing Section. Changes will not affect existing templates, past events, or events in progress.

Search for the Section under Add/Edit Event Section.


Select the Edit button.


The System Administrator can deactivate the Section by selecting the Deactivate Checkbox.


After completing the edits or checking Deactivate, select Update to save changes. Deactivated sections cannot be added to templates or events.



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