Transaction Status and definitions

Below is a list of the possible transaction status and definition a user could receive in ESM Purchase.  The list is to be used as a guide and may offer some insight on how to resolve.  The list is available for download at the bottom of the page.

Approval Rejected

Approver/Manager rejected the order. The reject reason option is available for the Approver/Manager to provide additional clarification.

Calculating Workflow

The system is checking for any workflows that apply to the transaction.


Receive transaction has been closed, may not be able to reopen based on integrated general ledger system capabilities.

Contract Required

Transaction needs to have a contract created in ESM Contract Management.

Converted to Sourcing

Transaction has been submitted to ESM Sourcing for bidding. Upon award, the transaction will be archived, creating a new transaction based on the awarded supplier information.

CC Information Required

The transaction is ready to release to the supplier with Pcard/Credit Card information.

Failed Encumbrance

Integration General Ledger or ERP system has returned an error message under System Note that must be resolved in order to proceed. 


Completed Storeroom Order

Invalid Transaction

Transaction Validation rule was not compliant. The transaction must be changed based on the customer’s error message before proceeding.

No Workflows Available

The transaction does not have any workflows based on its information. A workflow will need to be created for the transaction’s type or a workflow bypass (also bypasses GL Integration).

Partially Fulfilled

Part of the quantity ordered has been met for the Storeroom Order.

Partially Received

A portion of the quantity or value (currency) was received.

Pending Approval

Waiting for the Approver or Manager to review the transaction.

Pending Contract

Transaction is waiting for the contract number to be returned from ESM Contract Management.

Pending Release

Transaction is ready to be submitted to the supplier.

Pending Sourcing

Transaction is being sent to ESM Sourcing.

Pending Validation

Transaction is awaiting response from transaction validation rules before allowing the next step.

Reapproval Required

Manage Tab User has selected Reapprove for the transaction.

Received and Closed

All items were received. The user indicated the order will have no other received activity.

Release Failed

The order was not successfully released to the supplier’s order management system/ PO email; ESM Support receives a notification and confirms with the supplier that the order was received.  This will prevent order duplication in the supplier’s system for fulfillment.

Submitted to Storeroom

Requester has released the Storeroom order for fulfillment.

Submitted to Supplier

Transaction has been successfully released to the supplier for fulfillment.

Unsubmitted Change Order

Change Order has been created but not release to the supplier and/or financial system.

Unsubmitted Transaction

Transaction has not been submitted to the approver(s) or supplier.

Waiting for Encumbrance

ESM is waiting for a response from the General Ledger/ERP integration server.


Business rule automations are being checked for the transaction.



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