B. The Requester Reference Guide

This document provides a condensed overview of the ESM PurchaseTM Requester Process. It will demonstrate with short text descriptions supported by screen shots for each step explained.

Table of Contents

  1. Shop
  2. Non-Catalog Item
  3. Cart
  4. Checkout
  5. All Transactions
  6. Search Capabilities in All Transactions
  7. Checkout Forward
  8. Prepare CC
  9. Encumber
  10. Release PO
  11. View Order
  12. Re-Release



The Requester can select various items from assigned catalogs. There are two types of catalogs: Punch-out and Hosted. A Hosted Catalog contains items that are uploaded into ESM Purchase, and a Punch-out Catalog opens a customized version of the Supplier’s website.

If a user opens multiple PunchOut catalog sessions from the Shop page, each session will open in a separate browser window.


  1. Search Items: Search for items from assigned catalogs
  2. Information Box: Entity-wide material determined by Sys Admin
  3. Category: Header to group catalogs
  4. Catalog: Icon for easy access to assigned catalogs


The Requester can select a catalog or search for items. The System Administrator may have denoted a supplier as preferred or with a business classification, which will appear in the search results.

  1. Filter By: Criteria to narrow down Shopping Results
  2. Qty: Desired quantity for transaction
  3. Add to Cart: Select when all quantities are completed


After selecting ‘Add to Cart’, the total quantity of item(s) and price is listed behind the Cart. The Requester can continue to Shop or go to their Cart by selecting either the Cart or View Cart toastr message indicated below.


Non-Catalog Item

The Requester creates a Non-Catalog Item by selecting the Non-Catalog option under the Search Bar on the Shop tab. A Non-Catalog Item allows the Requester to create an item that is not provided in the catalogs, if the Supplier has allowed for it.


The Requester searches for the Supplier or may create a new supplier depending on permissions.


Enter the product detail’s required fields (Item/Service, UOM, Qty, and List Price) to create the item and ‘Add to Cart’.



The Requester can edit the quantity or delete items. Then, Convert Cart to X transaction(s) by selecting Checkout. More than one transactions are created if the items are from multiple Suppliers.




The Requester can continue to add items to converted transactions in the Checkout tab, if the Supplier is the same. 

Complete each portion of the Checkout sections to complete the order. Select Continue to save/confirm information in each section.

The order can be Printed, Archived, Deleted, or Put on Hold using the icons at the top of the Checkout Screen.


2 carts.jpg


Apply the general details of the order and confirm/modify the default Bill-to and Ship-to locations. Select Continue under each to save and proceed to the next section.

Note: Notes and Attachments included in transaction that can be Internal (Users) or External (Suppliers)

Under GL Details, requesters can select Account Code favorites or New account codes with the drop-down menu and plus sign. If multiple account codes are selected, a split can be entered based on percentage. Select Continue to confirm the GL codes. 


Requesters confirm the final line item details including quantity, note and attachments and Line-item level GL code (use the “more…” link). Select Continue to confirm Line Item Details. 


The workflow will generate after the order is validated. If any transaction validation rules are trigger, more information will be listed under the System Note. Once the condition is resolved, the transaction can be re-validated for approval. Select Submit to send the transaction for approval or continue if no approval is required. The Forward option can be used to submit the order to a different user’s checkout under All Transactions.

The Requester can either send the transaction through the approval process or release it to the supplier based on configuration settings. A Prepare CC or Release PO option will be available if no workflow is required.

If an entity is configured for the final approver to release transactions to the supplier, the requester will receive an email notification when the release occurs.

Potential actions:

Request Approval: Send through the approval process

View Workflow: Review approvals if required

Ad Hoc Review: Send to additional approver to review

Prepare CC Order: Enter Credit Card and release transaction to Supplier

Encumber: Check for available funds in the General Ledger

Release PO: Release Purchase Order to Supplier

Hold: Pause transaction for later action (Removes from Active Orders)

Delete: Delete transaction from history

Archive: Archiving an order prevents any further action on the transaction and locks down any details thereof. This action is irreversible.

Copy Transaction: Recreate the transaction (New Transaction/PO Number assigned). Orders created from punchout's cannot be copied. 


All Transactions

Users are able to track the progress or view previous transactions by selecting All Transactions below the search bar. To open a transaction, select the transaction name. 

The Requester can monitor the Status of the Transaction to review its current state. 

Statuses can include, but are not limited to:

Unsubmitted Transaction: Pending Next Step option of Request Approval or Release PO (if no approval necessary)

Pending Approval: In approval process

CC Information Required: Credit Card is needed before release

Pending Release: Ready to release

Approval Rejected: Rejected by Approver

Submitted to Supplier: Transaction successfully sent to Suppler


Search Capabilities in All Transactions

The Requester can review all his/her created transactions by using the provided search criteria. Any changes to the selection/sort by will remain the default until updated.

  1. Filter by: Search filter to indicate next user/system action (expanded above) (original default of Active)
    1. Active: The user’s action is needed
    2. Waiting: Waiting on another user/system action
    3. Hold: Paused transactions for later action
    4. Archive: Transactions with stored actions, no further action can be taken. This action is irreversible.
    5. Submitted: Transactions sent to Supplier
    6. Received: Transactions with items obtained
    7. Ad Hoc: Transactions waiting on additional approver
    8. All Last 30 days, All Last 90 days, All: Transactions within specified date range
  1. Showing: Search filter Date ranges; 7 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, or All
  2. Sort by: Determines the displayed order of transactions by Acct #, Create Date, Payment Form, PO #, Transaction #, Transaction Name, Status, Supplier (A-Z), (Supplier Z-A), or Recently Added (original default of Recently Added)
  3. Search Bar: Locate a specific transaction with the Transaction or Purchase Order Number.


Checkout Forward

Based on entity configuration settings, the Requester can forward their transaction to another Checkout user. Forward is an option located at the bottom of the Checkout View, and the Requester can search for the desired user.




Prepare CC Order

If the entity is configured to have the requester release the order to the supplier, an email notification will be sent and an action button will appear after the final approval within the requester's All Transactions screen. To enter credit card information for an order, select Prepare CC Order.



The user will be presented with a review of the order and the opportunity to print. Select Place Order to enter CC information. 


Enter the card information and select Place Order and confirm the pop-up. 




To encumber an order, select the Encumber Action button. This will check for available funds in the General Ledger if the entity is integrated with a financial system.


Release PO

If the entity is configured to have the requester release the order to the supplier, an email notification will be sent and an action button will appear after the final approval within the requester's All Transactions screen. To release an order, select the Release PO Action button. The user will be prompted to review the order and select Continue.

The user is presented with a copy of the order to review, select Place Order and confirm release.

When successfully submitted, the order will appear under the Selection filter “Submitted with the Status of “Submitted to Supplier.”


View Order

The user may select the View Order icon under the All Transactions/Approve/Manage screen.


The System Note History states the time the order was successfully released.


Re-Release Order

Locate the order using the Filter By Option or the Search bar and select the Transaction Name to open the order.


Select Re-Release Order.


Select Place Order and confirm based on payment type. If the Payment Form is Credit Card and it was declined, provide new card information. Select Continue and Place Order.

Note: Re-released orders will state “Duplicate Order.”


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