Overview of Event Library

System administrator(s) need to build the Organization's event library prior to creating events. The event library consists of the terms and conditions library, event sections library, and template library. Before creating these various libraries, the relationship between the three must be understood.

 Terms and conditions can be general to the Organization or event specific.

 Event sections consist of the content, questions & answers and pricing models of the event. The event sections are created individually and make up the body of the event itself.

 Established terms and conditions and event sections are then added to a template. A template is made up of numerous event sections in an outline/nested format. The general terms and conditions are selected for the template.

 After the libraries are finalized, the user community creates events. Events are generated from the template library. The user community can adjust the event sections as necessary before publishing to the public; these edits do not update the section master. The pre-built templates allow for minimal time/effort from the users with the guidance of the administrators.

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