Supplier Profile

Table of Contents

  1. Profile
  2. Add/Edit User
  3. Attachment Library
  4. Commodities
  5. Customer List
  6. Company Information
  7. Diversity Classification
  8. Email Notifications



The supplier can complete administrative needs on the Profile tab. By choosing 'Select Function', the supplier can Add/Edit User, view the Attachment Library, Commodities, Customer List, Company Information, Diversity Classification, Email Notifications and Subscriptions.



Add/Edit User

The supplier can add new users, or edit existing user's contact and functionality on the view below. The supplier can search for users, or select 'Go' to view all users.


  1. Contact Information: Email, First & Last Name, Phone, and Address
  2. Reset Password: Check the box and select Update to reset the user's password
  3. Primary Contact: Check if the user is the primary contact for ESM Solutions from your company
  4. Update Catalog Contact: If the Primary Contact is changed from one user to another, select Yes to update any catalogs that may exist for your company to the new primary contact
  5. Email Alerts: Activate emails (See 'Email Notifications' for specific emails sent to the supplier)
  6. Time Zone: Select Time Zone to reflect on areas across the supplier UI, such as bid due by time
  7. Deactivate User: Check if user is no longer needed within ESM Sourcing
  8. Privileges: User's available functionality (tabs)
  9. Profile Privileges: User's available functionality within the Profile tab


Attachment Library

Suppliers add attachments to the library to access when creating responses to events. 




Add NIGP Codes to the supplier's account to receive bids based on provided commodities/services. Search by description or code. Check related codes, which will be then added to the Assigned Commodities list. Assigned Commodities are deleted using the check box. Customers can search for suppliers by NIGP Code when publishing events.



Customer List

Search for customers based on search criteria, select 'Assigned', and Update to receive email notification for their open invitation events.



Company Information

Edit Supplier Name and Address. Add additional addresses by selecting the plus button. Update existing addresses by selecting the 'edit' button.


  1. EIN: Employer Identification Number assigned to the company
  2. Company Type: Includes Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, S Corporation, Sole Proprietorship
  3. Business Area: Location the supplier conducts business (only receives events within this area)


Diversity/Business Classification

Suppliers add and edit Diversity Classifications with their Certification Name, Number Expiration date, and optional attachment.


The following Classifications are available:



Email Notifications

Enable or disable emails using the checkboxes. The Email Alerts setting must be enabled for each user under Add/Edit User for emails notifications to be received.  


  1. Notify users of all open invitation events: Setting will be checked by default. Users enabled for the Events tab and email alerts will receive an email notification any time an open invitation event is published by any customer. This setting disables the other Event Invite Notifications, since it spans all open invitation events.
  2. Notify users of open invitation events from assigned customers: When checked, users will only receive open invitation event notification emails from customers flagged with the Assigned checkbox in the Customer List screen.
  3. Notify users of open invitation events for all assigned NIGP codes: When checked, users will only receive open invitation event notification emails from customers if at least one commodity on the event matches one commodity in the supplier profile in the Commodities screen.
  4. Notify users of open invitation events for my assigned locations: When checked, users will only receive open invitation event notification emails for customers in areas defined in Company Information under Business Area – Specific States/Provinces.
  5. Notify users 72 hours before event is due: When checked, users will be notified 72 hours prior to an event’s due date for invitation only or open invite events if a response has not been submitted.
  6. Notify users 24 hours before event is due: When set, users will be notified 24 hours prior to an event’s due date for invitation only or open invite events if a response has not been submitted.
  7. Notify users when a participated event is unsealed: When checked, users will be notified if a response was sent for a sealed event once the event’s responses are unsealed by the customer.
  8. Notify users when a participated event is awarded: Setting will be checked by default. Users will be notified if a response was sent for an event and an award is published, regardless as to whether the supplier was selected for an award.

**Always remember to click Update to save any changes**


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