Supplier Management tab - Creating and Inviting Suppliers

After searching, users may not find the supplier they need. Users with the Add/Edit privilege in Supplier Management can generate a supplier invitation in several different ways:

  1. Create a new supplier and use the Invite button.
  2. Select an existing Not Registered supplier and use the Invite button.
  3. Search for suppliers and select the Invite Selected Supplier link for one or more suppliers.
  4. Use the Invite New Supplier link to specify basic details for invitation.

If the Registration Form Visibility is set to Invitation Only, a supplier will not see your form unless they are invited.


Create New Supplier

This option should be used if you have address details for the new supplier. In the Supplier Management tab, select the Create New Supplier link.


In the Supplier Information section, the Supplier Name is required. Enter any other necessary details, then click Continue to save changes.


Information in other sections will be added by the supplier. Select the Supplier Addresses section to add a contact email, then click Add Address.


Enter the required fields, as well as Email. This is the address the invitation will be sent to. If an email is not specified, an error will occur when you attempt to invite. Click Add when finished.


Finally, click the Invite button. An email will be sent to the supplier, and the supplier’s status will change to Invited.



If the supplier’s email is not registered with the ESM network, the supplier will be prompted to complete the public registration process as in the example above. If the supplier’s email is already registered with the ESM network, the supplier will be prompted to log in to the portal and respond to the registration form.

If you need to send the invitation email again, a Re-Invite button will show after the supplier has been invited. Selecting Re-Invite will generate a new email to the supplier.




Existing Supplier

After performing a search, select the supplier you want to invite. Verify an Email is specified in Supplier Addresses, then select the Invite button.




Invite Selected Supplier

After performing a search, suppliers with a status of Not Registered will display with a checkbox to the left of the Supplier Name. You can select one or more suppliers from the list, then click Invite Selected Supplier to send email invitations to all the selected suppliers.


If a supplier’s contact email is missing, or a supplier has more than one contact email, a popup message will display. You can invite these suppliers by selecting the supplier from the search results so that an email can be entered, or a contact email selected for invitation.



Invite New Supplier

If you do not have enough information to create a new supplier, select the Invite New Supplier link. A popup will open so you can enter the Supplier Name and Email Address. The other fields are optional.

Selecting Invite will add the supplier and generate the email invitation.


If the email specified belongs to an existing supplier, an error will display with the name of the supplier associated with the email.


A similar error will occur if the EIN specified belongs to an existing supplier:


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