The folder structure is one of the key elements when setting out to use the Reporting tool. It manages access and access levels to reports and provides the structure for saving created reports.
Each time a report is created or edited, it must be placed into the generated folder structure.
Folder Structure Location
When logged into an ESM product click the Main Menu option found in the top left-hand corner of the screen:
Main Menu
Then select Admin from the subsequent menu:
Admin option
Within the Select function drop-down, navigate to Reporting Configuration>Add/Edit folder:
Reporting Configuration>Add/Edit Folder
Adding a Folder
Once within the Add/Edit folder section of the main menu, you will see the following screen with a search bar:
Add/Edit folder screen
Within the search bar enter the name of the folder you wish to create and click the Go button:
Folder name entered
A pop-up message will then appear advising you that the folder you search for does not exist, inviting you to create a new one. Click Add New to complete the creation process:
Add folder option
The screen will then refresh and your newly created folder will display, click the green Add button on the right-hand side to complete creation:
New folder to be added
Editing a Folder
Navigate to the Add/Filter option within the Main Menu and search for the folder that you wish to edit and press Go:
Search folder entered
A pop-up window will then appear with search results, click the blue underlined text to select the folder to edit:
Search results window
The screen will then refresh and the selected folder will appear, make the edits required and click the blue Update button on the right-hand side of the screen to save changes:
Editing folder
Folder Assignment
Follow the steps below to assign access to the report folder.
When logged into an ESM product click the Main Menu option found in the top left-hand corner of the screen:
Main Menu
Then select Admin from the subsequent menu:
Admin option
Within the Select function drop-down navigate to Reporting Configuration>Folder Assignment:
Reporting Configuration>Folder Assignment
Using the drop-down selector select the folder you want to adjust:
To assign the user, enter the user/group name and click Search.
Folder selected
Pressing the Search button will then return the results of the current folder access:
Folder search results
Proceed to make the adjustments as needed, click update to save your changes or cancel to abort:
Update changes made
Read access allows the user to view, run and copy the report.
Author access allows the user the same access as Read and gives edit privileges.
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