Why can’t I submit my bid? What do I need to do to complete the bid and submit?

Suppliers who are trying to complete and submit a bid, may run into an issue. The steps below will show you what to look for when unable to submit a bid. 

It is also available for download at the bottom of this page.


When submitting a bid, the supplier may receive an error, similar to the one below.


The message will also state the section with the missing or invalid content.

You may also see a section meeting minimum requirements box with a red ‘X’. 



There are few things to look for to complete the bid.

  • Fields with a red asterisk (*) signify it is a required field.


The blank text box above is not a question but a required field and is looking for text to satisfy the validation.

The response attachments above is also a required field and will need at least one document uploaded.

  • To upload a document, click the green plus (+) New > browse to your file location > click open.
  • Add a file description, as shown below:


  • Please make sure to click the Update button. This will save any text or documents to the bid.


  •  When the attachment is fully loaded, it will as below:



  • When adding the Unit Bid Price, do not add a dollar sign ($). It will show as below:


The Validation column shows as Invalid, and the Errors column provides additional information.


  • When the Unit Bid Price does not have the dollar sign ($), it will show as below:


The Validation column shows as Valid.


  • The Section Meeting Minimum Requirements has a green check at the end (as shown below) and signifies all areas of the bid have been completed and the bid can be submitted.



  • The bid can be submitted at the top right of the Event screen:




How can I print a bid?



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