File Size Limitations

This article will detail the file size limits in place throughout the ESM product suite.

ESM Purchase

For each individual transaction record, the following file size limitations exist:

  • Individual Attachment Files - 5MB each file
  • Internal Notes Fields (Header & Line-Item) - 15MB total for total attachment files for both the header & Line-Item fields
  • External Notes Fields (Header & Line-Item) - 15MB total for total attachment files for both the header & Line-Item fields
  • Total Attachment Files - 30MB per transactions

ESM Contract Repository

For each individual contract record, the following size limitations exist:

  • Individual Attachment Files - 20MB each file
  • Total Attachment Files - No Limit

ESM Storeroom

For each individual line-item record, the following file size limits exist:

  • Individual Image Files - 250 MB each file
  • Total Image Files - No Limit

For each individual transaction record created for Storeroom orders, the same ESM Purchase file size limitations apply (see above).

ESM Source

For each event record record, the following size limitations exist:

  • Customer Event Setup (applies to the Event Header & all Event Sections):
    • Individual Attachments Files - 250 MB each file
    • Total Attachment Files - No Limit
  • Supplier Event Response (only applies to the Event File Section):
    • Individual Attachment Files - 20 MB each
    • Total Attachment Files - No Limit

ESM Supplier

For the registration form, the following file size limitations exist:

  • Individual Attachment Files - 250 Mb each file
  • Total Attachment Files - No Limit

ESM Supplier Portal

There are no file size limitations for attachment files that suppliers upload to their ESM master supplier record nor any customer-specific registration forms.

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