Running a Dashboard Report


Dashboard reports follow a similar procedure to other types of reports where the user selects Data fields by dragging them into an area where a Tile Option has been applied. The Tiles that can be created are Visualizations, Existing Reports, URLs, Text, Images, or Filters.

To create a Dashboard Report in the Create menu, select Dashboard Report:

Create reports menu

The new dashboard creator screen will then load:

Dashboard creator screen

Clicking the New Tile option from the top menu will display the reporting options avaliable:

New tile options

Once the reporting tile needed has been selected then dragged and dropped into the hatched area:

Tile selected screen

You can then use the options returned on the left-hand side of the screen to drag & drop on to the tile to create the report needed:

Drag and drop options

For additional information and assistance, please visit the Exago Knowledge Base website.

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